Latest addition to the stash...

It's been a while, but I went down with yet another bloody chest infection - and thought I had got away with it last winter. Shows me I suppose. Now then, important stuff. A couple of weekends ago, DH was kind enough to take me down to the Somerset Guild of Spinners, Weavers & Dyers annual Fleece Fair. Now, whilst I will be the first to admit, deep down where no one is listening, that I really don't need any more fleeces at the moment (no, no really, it's true) it was nice to be able to catch up with everyone and see what they were up to. And then I clapped eyes on Amanda's stall.... O dear me. I was very good really, I did leave some for everyone else, but, as I couldn't go to Woolfest and stip out Freya's stand, this just HAD to come home with me!! (Ok, so it probably would have anyway, but shush, DH might be listening...) Clockwise, starting in the bottom left: Lilac Frost Batts (BFL Humbug/Bamboo/sparkle); Lavender Tops (Falklands Tops); Victorian Velvet (Baby Camel Tops); Carded Yak Down; Moss (BFL Humbug tops) ; In the middle: Strata (Soy Bean Tops); All have been hand dyed by Amanda. I must admit, I just so pleased to add them all in my stash. Off to knit now, see you all later.


Freyalyn said…
Pretty, pretty stuff. That BFL moss is *much* more my colour than yours....
Yarnspider said…
Hmmmmn we'll see.....
Artis-Anne said…
Oh lovely stash there a real feast for the eyes , well done you :) I like the sound of the BFL, bamboo and sparkle ....must go and play on the drum carder ;)