That went well!

I have had a pretty nasty November.  Most of it has been my fault in a way, as I ignored the warning signs that were flagging up left and right (really easy to see when you look back, not so easy when you are pushing past them or looking forward.)  I ignored the cold I went down with.  In my defence, it only seemed a little one and it didn't seem to slow me down that much. WRONG!  I ended up with a rather unpleasant ambulance ride and several hours in A & E to prove it.  On the plus side, once I was finally popped in cubical rather than being parked in a corridor, I noticed that they had decorated since last time I visited, so that was nice. 
IMAG1116So. I have promised myself (and more importantly DH!) that I will slow down and plod!  So that is what I am doing, and trying to enjoy it.  Suffice to say, I'm not enjoying it, as I prefer to ignore that fact my lungs are totally unreliable as much as possible.  Oh well.
As a result of this, there has been lots of dozing over knitting and spindling by the fire and very little I have finisheds! All in all, most frustrating.  Especially as I know it will now be like this for the rest of the winter. Bah!
I have however, managed to finish the 100gms of rainbows (thank you Limegreenjelly) that I began oh so long ago, and that is being plyed with some Merino and silk I dyed in different shades of charcoal.  I have also spun some of the Romney/Shetland, so progress is being made.  The same is true of the BFL/Shetland fleeces. But for me, not enough, NOT ENOUGH I say!  Oh well, repeat after me, I WILL PLOD SLOWLY! Humph!
I'm stopping now, as I've just worked out I'm approximately 3 months behind the goals I wanted to meet this year. Staggering off snorting.... (I would laugh, but it still makes me choke).
