Well, I think I am finally, nearly, up to date (as she quickly grabs the nearest wooden object as hard as she can...) I've managed to persuade the temperamental memory card in the camera not to loose the photo's of the yarn this time.
As a result, I've been able to add a load of yarn to my Etsy shop wheeeee! Some of last week's dying and also the yarn that I spun from Amanda's fantastic hazelnut parfait batt, looks good I think, and it really was fun to spin.
Feeling a lot less tired this week, which is just as well, as I suspect it's going to be a busy one! I ducked out of the party we were supposed to be going to on Saturday night, as the idea of cigarette smoke, other peoples perfume and very damp weather (the party was out-doors and it was throwing it down as they say!) on top of my asthma was just too much. So
stayed at home in the warm and the dry. Apparently, the party was a great success despite the rain which is always nice to hear.
We've started redecorating the front room (hey, I decided a long time ago, to try and be as normal as is realistic!). The paint-work had all been completed (low-odour of course!), and yours truly gets to paper the walls. Would be easier if I hadn't calculated the amount of paper without including the pattern match -argh! We only bought the damned stuff in the sales 12 months ago, so finding some more would be no problem (who am I kidding?). The miracle is, that we managed to find the same pattern - in a different texture, but it will be OK - keep your fingers crossed.
As a result of the decorating, the QAL shawl that I have finished for the Seasons of Lace KAL (yes girls and boys, you've heard right! I have finished it - wheehee!) is still awaiting blocking and pix, as we have officially run out of floor! The dogs are in permanent sulk mode as they have no-where indoors to spread and it is raining. A lot. Again.
I haven't been able to start another shawl project yet, but I did knit a Zimmermann 3 section beret to stop me twitching too much - will photo when washed, promise. And I've plyed the green for the green and pink hat demanded sorry, requested by DH. Might even get the pink done tomorrow (between hanging lengths of paper!).
Overall, I'm determined this will be a much better week, but just in case, ask me again on Friday....