Autumn Has Moved In.

Well, it would seem that Autumn has arrived.
As usual she slipped up on us whilst we were complaining about the lack of Summer and before we know it the mornings are bathed in a golden light that caresses all the yellows, browns, reds and echoing golds in the the landscape. The mists have returned as well, and the whole lot glows in the morning light, it really is the most romantic time of the year I think. Far more subtle than Summer and far less brassy than Spring.
The quality of light has totally changed over the last week or so and reminds me of the light in Spain in the winter. Really soft and gentle, showing everything at it's best. It really is my favorite time of year.
We've had to start lighting the fires though. I suspect that beautiful as it is this Autumn is going to be long and herald a pretty miserable Winter. Ah well, can't have it all. Hopefully it will be a dry for the next couple of weeks and let everyone catch their breath and enjoy it.
