Well, after over a week in bed (booring!) I'm now at the point where if I'm not careful I shall end up back there again. It really is peeving, whilst my mind is fine, the rest of me doesn't catch up nearly as fast as it it used to. So whilst I want to rush off back to my workshop and get on with all the bits and pieces that have been stacking up, I am stuck up in the house, keeping warm and behaving myself - bah! boring!
But enough feeling sorry for myself, I've been knitting lots (keeps the hands busy), and watching lots of films. Been though Stardust, Lord of the Rings (all 3 extended version), all the Harry Potters, I'm just starting on the first series of Blood Ties that Freya has been kind enough to post down to me. After that, I think it will be the two Elizabeth's, or maybe The Godfather.... During this I've finished 1 tassel hat, a pair of matching glovelets, one pair of socks, added another third to the Versatility Shawl, nearly finished another repeat of DH sweater pattern.
Right then, off the explore the great web thing to see if I can download something interesting to listen to onto my MP3 and then wind a ball of pink cashmere DK. By the end of today I should be down to the ankles on a yummy pair of smooch round the house socks.....