As I haven't posted here for a bit, I thought I would just write a couple of lines to explain why I haven't been spinning recently:
It's still bitterly cold down here, which is very unusual for Somerset, it rarely gets cold and stays cold down here. When I went down to my workshop this morning it was still -2 degrees! I stood it for an hour, but then I just had to admit that even with heating down there, it is just too cold for me. So after chatting with DH I shall be moving my wheel into the house until March or so and shutting up my workshop. The alternative is, that I will end up getting very poorly very quickly, as whatever we do, we can't get the temp above about 12 degrees and I have to be kept above 18! Bloody annoying, but that's the way it is! The good news is that from Thursday I shall be able to get back to spinning daily, so there really is a plus to everything!!