I've nearly finished plying the Alpaca, it's coming out rather nicely I feel, although I don't think I shall be able to make a decision on the pattern for the shawl until it's been washed - suspect it will bloom nicely. Am going to suggest a weak dye wash to lift it a bit maybe. Although it could just be that I'm bored with it.
Speaking of colour in my life, thought I would give you a peep of my next project. Its some uber fine (under 18 microns) of really very yummy uberfine merino - dyed by me! I think it might be a long draw single on a fairly high ratio. Will let you know when I start, but o so pretty!
I did a little shopping at Wonderwool Wales last weekend and come back with some potentially exciting projects:
Some Overdyed coloured BFL from Freyalyn in Autumnal colours, all coppers and greens - unfortunately it won't photo in the packet and I shan't get it out until I'm ready for it, as her packaging keeps the fibre so well. (I think it was Copper and Beech). And Silk bricks from Oliver Twists, they look just like oil on water! I think I have sufficient for a couple of tops!!
Now then, back to the plying....