Wonderwool Treasures

Well, I had to do it now didn't I?
Clockwise from the top. 3 packs of Freyalyn's Firebird recipe on Cheviot, Coloured BFL and Coloured Shetland rovings respectively. 1 Kilo of Shetland DK from Bluefaced, and 2 bricks of dyed Silk from Oliver Twists (no website, what are they thinking of?)
Next, 400gms of Fine Falklands rovings dyed in her Flame recipe from Amanda of Mandacrafts. I just had to really, the last time I had some of this colour it made a fab jacket, and this time I just happen to have bought that matching brick of silk from Oliver Twists... Anyone would think I was planning something.
I know I seem to have taken a bit of a sharp right with the colours, but I felt that it was time I made an effort NOT to be spinning blues, greens and purples for a bit. And I suspect this will help. Although, if you notice, some blues and greens have snuck in from Freyalyn so I suppose I haven't changed that much!
