Oh Lordy!

Has it really been THAT long since I blogged last? Crikey. In my defence, it has been really busy with non fibre stuff here - We had major plumbing works done so I was shipped off to Mothers to avoid the dust. It has taken pretty much till now to get back on an even keel (you know, the whole, brittle asthma, ME/CFS, summer cold thing).
But I think I here now, so then, what have I done? Well, quite a bit and not a lot all a once...
The Masham has been finished - photo missing (hey! I'm blogging - OK!). Added to this is a rather nice single of mixed fibres which my friend Liz picked up for me on her last visit to Coldharbour Mill It has turned out really quite well. I've decided to leave it as singles as the boys have managed to assemble my loom for me. It's in the house this time AND I can reach all the important bits! With #1Son's help I have managed to warp up a runner for the upstairs corridor as now the builders have finally gone... Well, you get the idea.
I'm also nearly half way through a new yarn which I started spinning at the Bath and West Show. I've helped out with the spinning demonstration in the shearing sheds for the last couple of years now, and with the help of DH & DS, I was able to go again this year. Couldn't walk far to explore, mores the pity, as there was so much to see, but I did get to say hello to the Alpacas before we went home, which was really cool.
Back to the yarn, about 18 months ago, I dyed a block of silk the most fabulous raspberry.... Now, when you add to that some extra fine merino (-18 micron) I thought that I may well end up with some Raspberry Ripple. At the moment it is looking really promising.
At the same time, I've been knitting. Rather a lot actually. First there was a flurry of jackets and sweaters for my new Nephew - Benjamin who will be approx 8 weeks old this week. (Bored now, gone back to knitting stuff for the big people!).
And then I spent the week at mothers casting on! So, now I have a sweater for #1Son (from hand spun), a waistcoat for DH (various bits of Alpaca DK & aran I had knocking about) and a jacket for me (of which I shall attempt to blog more later as I seem to be going on a bit now).
So that's me at the moment, trying to fit lots of knitting, carding, spinning and weaving in between tennis on the telly and resting so I don't fall over (too often). Now, if I can only get rid this cold, I shall probably start to get somewhere!


Joansie said…
Welcome back! Love the sweaters. You certainly have been busy! Hope your cold gets better soon and you can enjoy the summer.
Yarnspider said…
Thank you Sweety.
I am deliberately ignoring it until it either goes away or decides to get serious and become a proper chest infection!
Positive thinking I say!