What have been doing recently?

Hmm, not much really. But that was because of the bronchitis/pneumonia I went down with at the end of Jan. Bloody typical really, as if being poorly over Christmas wasn't enough. Oh well.
I've managed quite a bit of knitting, including a cashmere pinwheel cardi Cashmere Cardi 0011 (scuse the fuzzies, but I'm still a bit wobbly) and a shawl for next years Chistmas pressies!
Chistmas shawl 01 0002

But now the boys have moved my loom so that I can get to the back of it easily, I'm hoping more weaving and spinning will be emerging in the very near future.

In the mean time I spent my Waterstones book tokens from Christmas on the best book I have come across in a long time. Although I would recommend buying it from Amazon rather than Waterstones as Waterstones are pants at postage - took 2 weeks to arrive! It is the Hand Weavers Pattern book by Anne Dixon and is the weaving equivalent of the Treasuries of Knitting Patterns by Babara G walker which live by my bed and really are my knitting inspiration. (And the best way to jazz up a plain knitting pattern I have yet found!).

So, if anyone wants me, I shall be sitting with my feet up and my nose in a book!


Artis-Anne said…
So sorry to hear that you have been so poorly . You have been very productive though and your pinwheel cardi looks gorgeous and who's the smarty pants already started on her Christmas pressies ? !!!
We have that weaving book and its great but the barbara walker one is one I have on my wish list Did you get that on Amazon ?
Hope you are better really soon :)take it easy cariad
Yarnspider said…
Thank you. Started on Xmas pressies as not being caught out like this year:0)

Yes I got the Barbara Walkers (have 1-3 of the 4...) from Amazon. I tend to ask for Amazon tokens for pressies as my family can cope with that. For some reason, they get odd when i ask for sock yarn!