I have been busy, so there!!

 Finally!  I have managed to get co-ordinated enough to show you all what I have been up to.  First off is the "ther be Dragons" waistcoat.  I am so pleased with this it has come out beautifully.  Only one weeny issue, I have lost several inches since I C/O and consequently, DH now has a fantastic waistcoat!  Here it is, waiting for buttons to be applied.  It was knitted from the Kauni Yarn I had left over from my Vlindervest to my own pattern.

To make myself feel better about the whole thing, I made myself a chupa from some truly splendid Italian woolen suiting fabric that I picked up from EBay a couple of months ago.  the nicest thing being, it is very forgiving size wise so I should be cosy for the winter with this one.  The hem is not quite where I want it, so at the moment, it's sitting on Mavis, waiting for adjustment.
In March, I promised Mother I would weave her a scarf - no problem there, nor was the pattern she chose or the materials (Silk and Cashmere).  The problem arrives with the loom I put it on.  Turns out that with right should playing silly twits I can't work the lifting of the heddles myself (hence its October and I'm still at it!)  But Help arrived this week in the form of DH who finally worke4d out what I had been trying to tell him and offered to be my Dobby, so I managed more in one hour than I had in the previous six months - hooray!  Another couple of sessions and it will be done.  As it is so fine, I think I may just double up the cashmere weft and knit a plain back to support it. 
In the meanwhile, I've been doing a little rigid heddle weaving, which is turning out really well and I can't wait to be finished.  The warp is hand spun silk yarn and the weft Falklands single.  I suspect there is going to be lots of Falklands left,  I think I may just ply it back on itself and use it to make more fabric.  Both. in the end will be used to make DH & #1Son a waistcoat each (I must be nuts!).  Whilst Freyalyn was down, she spoiled me with a couple of hundred grams of a fabulous mix of extra soft wool and alpaca.  It really didn't take me long to think of the baby camel and silk fibre that I dyed up a couple of years ago and this is the result. A fabulous marled yarn that is light and snugly.  Maybe I shall get my dream waistcoat after all.
