A Little end of year thunks...

Yer ther be Dragons 2  I may not have been posting much recently, but I have been giving the whole posting thing a great deal of thought.  As a result, I have pretty much closed down my domestic blog on LiveJournal.  Instead, you will all be treated to a little more of the domestic happening in the Yarnspider household, but I am hoping it will be easier for me to blog my creations in context.

I have been banned from knitting for a couple of weeks, as I sort of knitted myself to a standstill just before Christmas and gave myself a touch of RSI and am stuck in a splint!  It makes it a challenge to type too, but hey! (Hope you all had as good a day as we did by the way, always better if one doesn't have to cook, even if it is Mothers...)

For January, I'm aiming to have a bit of a Sew-a-thon going on. (See, I'm a good girl, no knitting...)  I'm hoping to cut some bits out tomorrow actually, so that I can start on asap.  On my list for January are Shirts, Waistcoats, several Dresses and some cherry stone hot sacks...  So.  As they get done I shall photo and Comment.  I also want to return to my floor loom and rigid heddle, so again will let you know how it has moved on.

In the meanwhile, the spinning will continue (I can do that with splint in situ), drop spindling in the house on my beautiful spindle that Freyalyn gave me for my Birthday, and major spinning in the workshop.  On the whole, the New Year promises to be full of colour and fun, just the way it should be.

So I shall take this opportunity to say, may the best of your past be the worst of your future and a properous New Year to all.


Guzzisue said…
Hi, just found your blog and will be back again :-)
Yarnspider said…
Thank you Guzziesue, looking forward to seeing you.
Freyalyn said…
Nice photo sweetie - and I'm having a day off knitting today, the Boreal is making my shoulders hurt! Love to you and yours for the New Year from me and mine.
Joanne said…
Do you spin wool in the summer too?
Yarnspider said…
:0) I spin all year round if I can....