My arch Nemesis the Rape Seed plant is making a move to surround the house at the moment and making a pretty good fist of it! From the front I can see 7 fields and the back 15! (These do include some that are involved in the siege of Bridgwater, but hey! Share the love I say). So it's pretty much a case of hunkering down, taking meds & trying not to wheeze too much!
With DH help we totally rearranged my workshop yesterday, so now I have much more natural light to spin by and space, lots of space! Now all I have to do is use it... DH remarked that there was a distinct lack of colour about in there at the moment, so I shall have to get busy! (I know, I can hear the hollow laughter from here).
Well, Off to sort the washing & do other of the borings that mean I can then scoot off to said workshop before lunch. More blog with colour soon.