It was a Bank Holiday

CHristophers Slipover 1Prince of Wales Shetland Vest03So whilst I do have lots of things on the needles at the moment, I gave myself the weekend off and permission to C/O an new one!  In this case, a Prince of Wales Slipover Vest for DH, from the Folk Vests book I bought recently.  Only being me, the colours are completely different....  I took advantage of Jamieson and Smith's offer and got a dozen balls of random colours and a further 4 balls of a blue/grey. Up to the first repeat of pattern A. I've been really pleased with the way it has turned out.  But then it got late and I made a snap decision, so the last 3/4 rows will have to be frogged/ripped.  But apart from that, I'm really pleased with the way it is turning out, and the colours are far more modern than the original and I suspect DH will get more wear from it as a result. 

Cuddles (8) Also, I finally got around to a task that I will cheerfully put off for months!  That of blocking the latest shawl.  I had wanted to knit Elizabeth Zimmermann's Pi are Square shawl for a while now and when I re-purchased her Knitters Almanac, it seemed the perfect opportunity.  So I did.  I was so pleased with the results, I put the whole thing in the blocking basket and there it stayed.  After all, it was raining.  But I stiffened my spine this Bank Holiday weekend and went for it!  My goodness, I am suddenly really pleased with the results! It really looked like a piece of Gothic stained glass, and the picture really doesn't do the colours justice. So, with the sopping summer I see looming on the horizon, I should be really snugly and warm!

Ahem, whilst I do possess a shawl blocking frame, this was just too big.  (As were the last couple).  


Freyalyn said…
Stunning shawl, sweetie. Well done.
Yarnspider said…
Thank you muchly.