So, before you all start scratching your heads (the non-fibre ones amongst you anyway). It's for darning holes. Now I've never successfully managed to darn a hole in my life. No, really. It always, without fail, has gone wrong. So when Freyalyn started raving about hers, I thought I would give the whole darning thing one last try...
And this is how it works.... isn't it just neat and dandy? Basically, it forms a neat little warp and you sew the weft to the material you are mending whilst you weave! It's just so spiffy, I got quite excited. (You find them on EBay by the way under Speedweve. And no, I haven't spelt it wrong).
Now. DH was kind enough to donate a couple of pairs of socks to the experiment. He said there was only a hole in each pair. He fibbed, look, see?
There's that hand knitted blanket that the moths munched..... mwahaha....