A Trip Out (but not far!)

Mr Yarnspider took me out this morning.  I was really quite excited.  I can no longer drive and as a result don't get to escape very often.

IMAG0396We only popped up to our local beach at Burnham on Sea.  Not far, but it was sobering to see how much flooding was about in the fields, rhynes and drains (in our part of the country, drains look like ubercanals).  There is so much standing water and more on the way, we've been warned.  All in all it looks to be a truly soggy Christmas for most of us.  But it was at least bracing at the Sea Side.  The tide was so far out we could hear the sea breaking on the sand bars about half a mile out into the channel.

IMAG0397IMAG0394As usual I walked too far so we decided I would wait for the car and DH + Moppet dog would scoot along and collect it then come and get me!  Excellent.  As I sat on my bench watch the world go by it started to rain (not much new there)! But not on me so much as at me thanks to a bracing onshore wind!  The difference in a few seconds needs showing I think.  The view went from above to this  (look left) in a matter of moments and then to this! (On right).  I remind you all that this was at about eleven o'clock this morning!

At this point DH arrived with the car, but for a second I thought I was about to drown.... (or at the very least get cold and soggy).  But we got home just ahead of the rain and have been treated to a day of gloom and grey.  Hot coffee is just so good at times like this. 

Right, off for feet up, knitting and Marple.  Just what is required on a gloom ridden afternoon such as this!
