I said that I had been washing and blocking yarn! It has all now been photographed, bagged and recorded into my Rav Stash! The one on the right being one of my favourites. The purples are Shetland x Texel blended with one of Amanda Hannafords blending pots. What looks like dirty white is actually a really pale blue as I used the dye marked patches on the Shetland x Texel carded and blended to a fairly smooth colour. It works really well and I suspect there may be enough for a light cardi. Which is a bit of a surprise as I was aiming for enough for a pair of socks! I do like hand spun, it is always surprising.
Before anyone assumes, that pile (it fills a trug) is because I haven't been up to the whole washing/blocking thing for the last couple of months so I am really quite pleased with the yarn I can now stow in my stash. It's almost like shopping for yarn.
I have another combination which I'm looking forward to knitting fairly soon and that is this lovely BFL 3ply (a light DK) and this fab baby camel and silk. They really do complement each other. the challenge now is to dicide what I shall knit with them. I suspect there is sufficient for a waistcoat, and you can never have enough waistcoats (especially in this house!)
So. I haven't gone though all of them, it would take too long, but there are a couple of shawls and a waistcoats worth for DH so I shan't be wanting for knitting for a while I suspect. And it is all tucked up in nice bags and popped into plastic boxes to pretect from the dreaded Moth. I have just obtained some Neem oil, which is apparantly an organic moth repellent, so we shall see...
Before anyone assumes, that pile (it fills a trug) is because I haven't been up to the whole washing/blocking thing for the last couple of months so I am really quite pleased with the yarn I can now stow in my stash. It's almost like shopping for yarn.
I have another combination which I'm looking forward to knitting fairly soon and that is this lovely BFL 3ply (a light DK) and this fab baby camel and silk. They really do complement each other. the challenge now is to dicide what I shall knit with them. I suspect there is sufficient for a waistcoat, and you can never have enough waistcoats (especially in this house!)
So. I haven't gone though all of them, it would take too long, but there are a couple of shawls and a waistcoats worth for DH so I shan't be wanting for knitting for a while I suspect. And it is all tucked up in nice bags and popped into plastic boxes to pretect from the dreaded Moth. I have just obtained some Neem oil, which is apparantly an organic moth repellent, so we shall see...