And there is blue sky. A brilliant start to the day I think.
Things have been busy Chez Yarnspider. Well. I have been busy anyway. And productive, did I mention productive? It's amazing what not having a secondary chest infection and sticking to a stick regime of feet up every afternoon can do!
Everything seemed to have taken off since Winghams were good enough to send me a new drive belt. Once it was attached #1Son was kind enough to state, after much consideration, that he didn't think the previous one had ever been even a little loose, I had just popped on wrong! I love my son, I really do. So much so I've started a pair of socks for him. I feel they will look lovely with his suit and the yellow will match his eyes...
I am pleased to announce that I have finished the Secret Shawl I have been knitting (complete with beaded edge), and there will be photos as soon as blocked and allowed.
I have also been spinning, I'm particularly pleased with this as it's just the right colours to go with the skirt I've just made (yep, you heard right!!)(skuse the out of focus shot, I hadn't had any coffee).
The yarn is a couple of 100gms of BFL from Sara's Texture Crafts that I bought when she visited the Guild a couple of months ago. It is plyed with 2 singles of Corriedale I found in the stash, so I now have sufficient for a cardi with a posh edge. All of this matches wonderfully with the skirt. A ClothKits, skirt, which was pressies from the Fabulous Freya. The colours match beautifully and will look excellent in the Winter Wardrobe.
To add to this my overdresses/aprons are also finished - yay! As I can no longer have anything tight round my middle these are ideal and keep proper clothes from getting grubbed. Please note the stylish pockets for mobiles and tissues. Also, as they lace up on both sides, they will go over anything!
And finally, I'm spinning this! It's 200gms of BFL and Silk from Mandacrafts that I fell in love with at Wonderwool Wales
I think I will be plying with some really fine merino/mohair uber-lace weight I keep for such occasions. That way I keep the length and colour repeats and get a balanced yarn. Then I should be able finally to C/O the shawl I have wanted to knit for a while now..... It might even be finished for the Winter Wardrobe!
Right then, off to lay out a pattern and then cut out a couple of dresses (I have been meaning to do these for a while) and that will be me occupied for a bit. Especially as I've just started to spin a tub of Ryeland Shearling bats I found in my workshop the other day.
Like I said, I'm busy at the moment.
Things have been busy Chez Yarnspider. Well. I have been busy anyway. And productive, did I mention productive? It's amazing what not having a secondary chest infection and sticking to a stick regime of feet up every afternoon can do!
Everything seemed to have taken off since Winghams were good enough to send me a new drive belt. Once it was attached #1Son was kind enough to state, after much consideration, that he didn't think the previous one had ever been even a little loose, I had just popped on wrong! I love my son, I really do. So much so I've started a pair of socks for him. I feel they will look lovely with his suit and the yellow will match his eyes...
I am pleased to announce that I have finished the Secret Shawl I have been knitting (complete with beaded edge), and there will be photos as soon as blocked and allowed.
I have also been spinning, I'm particularly pleased with this as it's just the right colours to go with the skirt I've just made (yep, you heard right!!)(skuse the out of focus shot, I hadn't had any coffee).
The yarn is a couple of 100gms of BFL from Sara's Texture Crafts that I bought when she visited the Guild a couple of months ago. It is plyed with 2 singles of Corriedale I found in the stash, so I now have sufficient for a cardi with a posh edge. All of this matches wonderfully with the skirt. A ClothKits, skirt, which was pressies from the Fabulous Freya. The colours match beautifully and will look excellent in the Winter Wardrobe.
To add to this my overdresses/aprons are also finished - yay! As I can no longer have anything tight round my middle these are ideal and keep proper clothes from getting grubbed. Please note the stylish pockets for mobiles and tissues. Also, as they lace up on both sides, they will go over anything!
And finally, I'm spinning this! It's 200gms of BFL and Silk from Mandacrafts that I fell in love with at Wonderwool Wales
I think I will be plying with some really fine merino/mohair uber-lace weight I keep for such occasions. That way I keep the length and colour repeats and get a balanced yarn. Then I should be able finally to C/O the shawl I have wanted to knit for a while now..... It might even be finished for the Winter Wardrobe!
Right then, off to lay out a pattern and then cut out a couple of dresses (I have been meaning to do these for a while) and that will be me occupied for a bit. Especially as I've just started to spin a tub of Ryeland Shearling bats I found in my workshop the other day.
Like I said, I'm busy at the moment.