The light has changed, true, but the trees have not turned and the air is distinctly balmy.(24ºc on the weekend). And the pollen count is still very high. This in turn has played havoc with the Dewfall family hay fever and sinusitis seems to have early this year.
But there is sunshine and the quality of the light reminds me of Spain in winter. Really subtle but vibrant. I feel some dying coming on.
In the meanwhile, I have yarn drying (once dry pix will be forthcoming). And am in the middle of making my Winter Wardrobe. When I hear that I am always reminded of the Adams Family "Uncle Knick-knack's Summer wardrobe, Uncle Knick-knack's Winter wardrobe, Uncle Knick-knack......" I'm at the pattern adjusted, one cut out, one on the work table attempting to fit the second sleeve point. So when both sleeves are level I will share.
The same can be said for the dress I'm knitting. About 2/3 of the way through the skirt and so far a very soothing knit. But as I have adjusted the pattern it will be interesting to see how the bodice turns out. I do not really understand why anyone willingly knits flat and sews in seams. Just feels clumsy to me. Oh well.
Right. Off to do. Those sleeves won't set themselves.....