Another New Year

Christmas came and went  this year, sliding in and out almost unnoticed, punctuated only by knitting.  Whilst we adults had cancelled Christmas, it couldn't really apply to little people, so Smallest Nephew had the socks he had asked for, aparently, they were so popular, he put them on over the pair he was already wearing! Get them converted to proper clothing young I say!  In was particularly pleased with Smallest Niece's dress.  It came out spiffingly well.

The New Year for many people means lots of goals and resolutions, for me though that doesn't really work.  Mainly because I tend to be outwitted and undermined by my own lungs! So this year, my aims are pretty much the same as last year's.  To be as healthy as I can, and to spin, knit and weave as much as I can manage.
It's the last one that is my favourite at the moment. I read somewhere, that before fretting over ones selvedges, you should have woven a mile. I could be at it for some time if this is the case...
This is the last of my weaving for 2013, and is actually all one piece. If it has worked out properly (and I shan't know for sure until I pluck up the courage to put it in the new washing machine) it should be fabric for a dress I have in mind.  So we shall see.
In the meanwhile, I managed to finish the next warp before I finished this piece (worryingly organized). All 1148 ends of it! It's ok, you may applaud now (rewarding cake and coffee always welcome). It's a really fine Italian wool. So keep your fingers crossed. Once Loom has has a dust and a going over with a screwdriver, grease and oil, I shall pop it on and off we shall go.  And with a linen weft.  Yep, linen. After a fair amount of  reading about the subject and chatting to those who know far more about these things than I, I came to several conclusions.

Firstly, the reason that Linsywoolsy was originally a linen warp and woollen weft was expedience.  This way cheap woollen yarn could be used.  Which leads on to secondly, with a plain weave, once the fabric was cut and stitched would it wear any differently if it were a woollen warp and linen weft? Probably not was the conclusion.  So. Using a quality woollen yarn for my warp and some pretty yummy linen & linen/silk blend yarn as my weft I'm about to set out to find out how well this will work.


Joansie said…
I'm in awe of your beautiful work. I just purchased a loom in November and have done nothing with it. I was hoping for classes at my local fiber store and she told me there is not enough interest....sigh!
Yarnspider said…
I'm pretty much self taught, so I suspect I have many terrible habits, but it does prove the best way to learn is just to get on and do.....