I have however spun daily. I have also been dying, sleying my loom and washing fleeces. More of those at a later date. The one thing I seem to be unable to do is post for the Tour! Oh well, I know what I've been doing. The grey on the bobbin on the right is part of the Shetland dress I am spinning for (yep! still at it), the rainbows in the Dye Pot are hand spun Alpaca which has finally been finished and dyed (as threatened). It was to be popped on to the rigid heddle as a warp over the weekend but I ran out of time. By the end of the week with any luck. On the left, these are two of finally 6 hanks made of a mixture of BFL and Corriedale which I shall document properly before the end of the week. (My latest Blog resolution, so we shall see how long that lasts!)
Hope everyone is enjoying the weather (I am hiding indoors, hence the productiveness I suspect). Back soon.