A Post a day for a whole week!

Can I do it?  Only one way to find out I suppose. 

IMAG0969I have had a pretty productive (and far too busy!) day.  Combined popping out this morning for coffee with picking up this fantastic little pasta pan from the local Freecycle thingy. Not totally free, but ideal for kettle dying smaller amounts of fibre AND it has an extra steamer thingy to fit in the top yay! (How anyone can get excited about cookware, really!)
IMAG0966IMAG0958I then made use of my trusty fish kettle to dye some really fine Merino/Silk rovings from John Arbon . I wanted these to ply with the rainbows I'm spinning from LimegreenJelly (Care Bear). I was sorely temped to rush and get more rainbows but sense prevailed.  That and I had ordered vast quantities of weaving yarn (World of Wool) and the most fabulous beads for weaving with (White Giraffe).  And then there were the patterns from Merchant and Mills and whilst it is my birthday this month, enough is enough!

So I am all shopped out until after Christmas!  But I should have lots of fun....

And so more tomorrow...


ambermog said…
I have just started blogging again after a lengthy gap, I appreciate the determination needed for a weeks blogging;) love the pan and the fibre. Thanks for the bead link also:)
Joanna said…
I will be interested in hearing more about the weaving wool from WoW, I certainly don't have enough yarn yet!