Do excuse the terrible quality of the pics my phone has taken matters into it's own hands and it take a little time to sort, and as I have finally worked out how to up day pictures to Blog without having to lodge them with a small monk up a tree somewhere for a week first I shall trudge on.
The weather here has swung from 30 degrees with scorching sunshine to 16 and steady rain. The gale of yesterday has died out leaving gaggles of bewildered holiday makers wandering about the town dripping in hastily purchased waterproofs and the serious walkers trudging past the end of our road looking less than impressed with their awesome decision to walk the West Somerset Coastal path.
And I am tucked up with my spinning and nice cup of tea. The completed centre pull ball of singles came from John and Juliet's Mill Open Day the other week. Whilst I was unable to get there, 'Nita (awesome woman!) did go and dropped in on the way home with a care package. It's now sitting waiting use as a single in some weaving, a lovely smooth spin and just the thing for a hot weekend.
And very aptly I am spinning some of Freyalyns Lightening colourway in both Merino D'Arles and BFL which will go very will with Johns Exmoor Blue face I discovered in the stash the other day.
And that is just my Majacraft Suzy... My Crowdy will need a blog of it's own I think.... Back soon.