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From blue skies to snow a ramble to nowhere.
It has been a strange winter, I tend to hibernate, and as such, I'm sorry for the lack of communiucation.
Any day where the weather thingy shows anything starting with a minus I don't venture out of the door, as my lungs tend to object and to be honest I'm trying to avoid the fabulous chaps of the ambulance service as much as possible.
So I have stayed indoors, kept to myself and plotted for the day between winter and the pollen explosion that marks Spring, that I can wander about the town and enjoy the fresh air. And I have knitted. And I have spun. And lately I have been doing a lot of weaving as well. More of all that next time.
This has been a strange end/beginning to the year, with Darling Husband having health issues of his own and Genius Son settling in at University and scaring them all with his talent.It has been a time of readjustment and adapting to a quieter house and to finding food in the fridge at the end of the week. I'd like to say that I have been taking this time for reflection and conserving my energies for the Busy Spring ahead, but I'd be fibbing. I have had an aim though, that of completion. I'm trying to complete all my outstanding obligations and tasks and clear the decks as I have a whole lot of busy arriving very soon. At the same time as trying to pace myself so I don't end up on my backside. Still a work in progress that one. I really am not very good at being kind to myself at the moment. So, I find myself tucked up in bed with my knitting listening to the snow and the squall at the window. All the noise is odd, as DH said, we are used to silence coming with a blanket of snow, but here, it just makes the sound of the waves slamming onto the beach louder.