Or even several things!
We have managed the move. Next door! And it was just as hard and stressful as moving miles away, and oddly, it just took a little longer. But it has been so much the right thing. It's as if we were slightly out of focus, and now everything is so much clearer. Quite splendid really. And as you can see, the sunrise is just as wonderful to behold.
TB Cat had a splendid time whilst we moved, was very disapproving that we weren't actually going to occupy both houses, but gave it a go anyway. He has now settled at 22A as if it were where he had intended us all to live in the first place.
The main advantage of our new house is my work room. I now have one again, and whilst my wheels are scattered throughout the house (and always will be!), I once again have a space with all my stash and my sewing machines and my looms in. Well, eventually it will be both of my looms, but for now only the Mighty Wolf, as Number One Son is home from University. The Colonial will be joining us in about 5 weeks. in the meanwhile, it is broken down and stacked very carefully in the garage ready to come up. But I now know where everything is again and I can over the next few months take stock of what I have duplicated due to not knowing where anything was. I am so excited, and this morning I began to re-arrange my day to spend my mornings in here.
The first thing to be done is, oddly enough, curtains. After nearly 2 years of a blinds only house, we now needed curtains for the front room, but they have to be light in weight as well as tone. I was lucky enough to pick up some very good quality muslin as at a very good price, together with some pretty rolls of hand dyed strips. So I think I shall aim for a stained glass effect with applique.
Then back to the looms. This I am really excited about as just before we moved I measured some warps, more of which next time.
But before I stop, I must put a huge thank you out to Shunklies Just a couple of days before we moved I was lucky enough to win a promotion with her and oh my! I am such a lucky, lucky Yarnspider!
Just look at my fabulous hand dyed silk yarn! The picture doesn't do this hank justice, and it is just a-maz-ing! It just so happens that in the move I came across some fabulous pale lavender reeled silk I bought from the Mulberry Dyer I can see a fabulous wrap in my future. In addition to which a really rather special magical mystery batt also arrived. I am really looking forward to spinning it and discovering what I have been lucky enough to be spoilt with.
Well that is enough for now, and I shall be back soon as I have lots more to share with you, but for now, I started with a sunrise and I shall leave you with a sunset.